Area: | Bhaktapur > Province No 3 |
Our Address: | Char Dobato, Gatthaghar, Bhaktapur, Nepal |
Telephone: | +977-1-6635174 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Web: | |
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Swastik College Bhaktapur is a Best college for IT Education. It offers is Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology ( BSc. CSIT) and Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA). Swastik College, the School of Computer Science and Application, was founded in 2013 by the team of academicians and young entrepreneurs. It is located at Chardobato, Gattaghar, Bhaktapur. Currently Swastik College is running Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (B.Sc CSIT) and Bachelor of Arts in Computer Application (BCA). From 2019, F1Soft has invested in Swastik College to produce highly competent IT professionals from Swastik College and to fulfill the gap between IT education and IT industries.
It was established for the sole purpose of facilitating students’ progression, both academic and practical, by eveloping knowledge, key skill sets and the capacity for independent and lifelong learning. We believe in building students’ intelligence, ingenuity, inventiveness and independence as well as communication skills. The Swastik College put conscious effort to foster students’ endeavors in pursuit of developing their problem solving skills and expertise. We have right human resources and tools to develop multifaceted expertise in our students which will keep them prepared for the forthcoming challenges in the real world.