St. Mary’s School (School for a girl-child)

Area: Gandaki Pradesh > Gorkha
Our Address: Nagpani, Gorkha Municipality-11, Abukhaireni-Gorkha Hwy, Gorkha
Telephone: +9779846570054
Email: [email protected]
Social Link:

St. Mary’s High School was established on 5th February 1992 at the request of the people of Gorkha. It is under the management of Sisters of the Congregation of Jesus founded by an English Lady, Mary Ward, in 1609. It is an International Institution especially devoted to the education of girls.

This institution is open to girls of all communities, irrespective of status, castes, creed and religion. It imparts not only academic education to girls, but also helps them to form an integrated personality by developing in them a strong character, love of truth, respect loyalty a sense of justice and the necessity for honest, hard work. This will make them an honour for womanhood and a source of happiness and blessing to all with whom they come in contact.

Our aim is to encourage girls to be self-reliant and independent, well fitted to take their place in the adult world, with confidence in their ability to cope with its challenges and problems. By making possible a wide range of activities, we achieve a balance, reflecting our belief that academic excellence alone must not be the sole criterion for a purposeful life.

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