Area: | Gandaki Pradesh > Pokhara |
Our Address: | Pokhara |
Telephone: | 061-431015 |
Web: | |
Building on the International Nepal Fellowship’s 25 years experience with Ear Camps in many remote and poor areas, the Ear Hospital and Training Centre at Green Pastures Hospital, Pokhara is a high quality referral and training centre. It is on the southern edge of Pokhara, a bustling city in the Western Region of Nepal with magnificent mountain views, lakes and popular with tourists.
Many people in Nepal suffer the lifelong effects of pain or infection in their ears and hearing loss or deafness. Affected children often fail to develop normal speech and language. The hearing disabled are the largest group of people with a sensory disability in Nepal. The deaf are frequently unable to benefit from education, resulting in poor employment and social prospects. Much of the ear disease is related to poverty, poor access to medical services and inadequate prevention strategies.