Area: | Province No 2 > Rajbiraj > Saptari |
Our Address: | Rajbiraj , Saptari |
Telephone: | 031-520830 |
Web: | |
The present world is fast moving towards various fields of Technology In this regard, the Higher education scenario today is characterized by the technical, medical, Para medical and allied disciplines. The Chhinnamasta Educational Academy believes in empowering the students to take up these subjects, to enable them to learn, develop and evolve better in life. Our constant Endeavour is to nurture the learners pave way for a learner – centered education. Adaptation and innovation are our constant aims, fully supported by our committed academic and administrative staffs. We feel happy to announce that our trainees and trainers are engaged in the Pursuit of preparing themselves equipped with the required skills and competence to cope with the challenges of the globalize world.
We aim at producing high quality professional graduates, who can go along the fast moving world, excel in their professional career and negotiate confidently across the multicultural world. Furthermore, we aim to benchmark ourselves on national and global scales as one among the best professional educational academy and become the academy – of – choice for the best students from all over the nation. Keeping the committed and competent faculty of the academy in view, I am confident that our objectives will be fully materialized. On behalf of the Directors, Teachers and Staff, I extend you a warm welcome to the college. Thank you for joining us. You are young scholars of today, and future hopes of the days to come wish you all the best for your future career development at the CEA.